I hope you like it.
"Well Pein, this is awkward." You said as you looked away and blushed.
"Yeah just a little." He answered back.
Still neither one of you moved. You stayed in Pein's arms for a little while longer.
"Awh look at the two love birds." Konan laughed as she approached you two. "C'mon Saffron, lets go have a little talk." Konan yanked you out of Pein's arms as you let out a small whine.
"Don't worry Pein, I'll return her to your arms safe and sound, literally I will." Konan added.
Pein rolled his eyes and walked off. Konan was pulling you down the hallway laughing. You weren't really walking so she had to pull you along. You kept looking back to watch Pein walk away. Before you knew it you were in Konan's room.
"GIRL TALK!" She yelled and broke you out of your trance.
"Oh huh? Haha sorry." You replied back.
"So spill it. You choose Pein as your little lover boy?" She asked with a huge smile.
"What makes you think that?" You asked looking away.
"Well considering the fact that you're still bright red, like you were when you were in his arms." Konan said laughing.
"Not true."
"Oh yes it is, I think it's cute that you like Pein. Does he like you back?" Konan asked.
"I doubt it."
"Well I mean he said he cared about me, and as the man he felt like he needed to protect me, but I don't think he meant in a loving way. And besides I don't want to mess up our relationship as friends. We just made up for what happened when I first got here. I'm not really aiming to ruin that." You said half-heartedly.
"Oh okay, so he does like you?" Konan asked obviously not getting the point.
You let out a small sigh.
"I wish."
"Ah ha! So you do like him!" Konan yelled.
"Konan keep it down! i dont want the rest of the guys to figure out, so far only Sasori knows...and you now."
"Oh Sasori knows? You told him before you told me? Jerk." Konan said with a small laugh.
"Haha and possibly Deidara." You added. "But I need to tell you something."
"Yes?" Konan asked.
"I have strong feelings for Pein, but...when I'm around Itachi I like him too. And I know that's terrible, but Itachi just has this aloof attitude that I love. I don't know what I'm getting into and I'm scared. if Pein does like me back, and he see's me make a wrong move towards Itachi because I can't keep my mind out of the gutter, I don't think I could take seeing Pein get upset or get mad. I don't want to go through that. I'm worried." You admitted.
"Ah, the basic love triangle. Well it's simple. If you know you might have a chance with Pein the stick with him. And it'll make it even easier if you know for a fact that Itachi doesn't like you. That way you wont have to worry about Pein and Itachi getting into an argument over you!"
"Yeah, you're right, and besides I wouldn't have gone through all of this just to let go of Pein. I know he's the one. Thanks Konan." You said getting up and heading towards the door.
"Woah wait, where are you going?" She asked making it obvious that she didn't want you to leave just yet.
"There's someone I need to talk to." You said and left.
Konan followed close behind you, but you didn't notice. You walked down the hallway till you found Itachi and walked up to him.
"Hey can we talk?" You asked.
Itachi just looked at you and nodded. You guys walked to a secluded area, with Konan listening in the doorway.
"So Itachi..." You started. "You don't like me right?" You asked.
"No." He answered almost immediatly.
"Okay good. Thanks Itachi." You said getting up and walking to the door. Konan stepped infront fo you.
"Wait, that's all you had to do?" Konan asked. "That's what was so important? You made that dramatic exit like you needed to go talk to Pein about your love for him, with the whole "There's someone I need to talk to." thing and make me really suspicious. And this is what you had to do? And you didn't even make it interesting, you got right to the point with the question too, thats no fun." Konan said.
You just laughed and walked away.
"I love you Konan." You said as you walked past her. Leaving her staring at Itachi in confusion.
"That woman." Itachi said. "She's so strange."
"Yeah." Konan agreed.
You walked aimlessly around the base, talking to Kisame, Deidara, and Tobi. You went with Tobi to go get something to eat, came back and sat around the base for a little while.
:Man is there anything else to do?" You asked.
"You could do Pein." Konan said with a laugh.
"Hahaha very funny Konan." You said sarcastically.
You both looked up and saw Pein standing in the doorway.
"Did you hear that?" Konan asked Pein.
"Yes." He said bluntly.
"Oh wow." You said nervously.
"Now what?" Konan asked.
"Uhm, I don't know." You said still sounding nervous.
"Oh wait I made Pein a promise." Konan said.
You and Pein both looked at her in confusion. Konan got up and grabbed you by the arm. She yanked you up from where you were sitting and pulled you to Pein. Konan let go of your arm and grabbed Pein's. She then set his arms around your waist and pushed you into him.
"There, safe and sound in your arms just as I promised." Konan said laughing.
All three of you just stood there. You were blushing and you were pretty sure Pein could feel the heat coming off of your face.
"Uhm, I'm hungry, I'm gonna go get something to eat. Bye guys!" You said as you let go of Pein and rushed past him.
"But you just ate!" Konan yelled after you.
You didn't listen and left Konan and Pein in the room.
They're probably gonna talk about me. You thought to yourself as you went to go talk to Sasori.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
My First Romance ~Pein Love Story~ Chapter 12
Just read and you'll figure out what's going on(:
The coolness of the room hit your entire body and sent a chill down your spine. You were just about to get dressed till someone stepped into the room. Your whole body went red.
"Oh, wow, I'm sorry, I thought you were done." Pein said blushing heavily and looking down.
"I am, I just need to get dressed, so if you could just...turn around for a moment, ha." You replied with a small chuckle.
"Oh yes right."
Pein turned around and faced the door. You quickly got dressed and let him know it was safe to turn around. Pein did so and your eyes locked. Neither one of you planned to look away.
"Sorry...I...took so...long." You finally were able to spit out still gazing into his remarkable eyes.
"It's fine, I came in here to give you your first mission. It shouldn't take you very long." Pein said breaking the stare.
"Oh okay, well what is it?" You asked taking a few steps closer to Pein.
"Just got and meet with a guy and collect the money he owe's us. I don't know what his name is, but here is a map of where to go." He said handing you the map. "Use force if you have to. We need that money."
"Okay, but if we're partners shouldn't we go together?" You asked confused.
"Usually yes, but I have to finish up with some things around here, but like I said before, this mission shouldn't be so hard." He said with a small smile which you returned.
"Okay so when would you like me to head out?" You asked.
"As soon as possible." He replied.
You nodded your head and walked past him and out of the room. You left your dirty clothes and your towel on the floor where you left them. You were pretty much positive that Pein wouldn't mind picking them up for you. You were so glad that you and Pein were okay now. You were walking doon the hallway on your way to say goodbye to the rest of the guys, and Konan of course. You guys hadn't really talked since you arrived but you had a feeling that was all about to change. You stepped into the "get together room" and heard them talking about the Hidden Leaf Village. From which you stepped in.
"Woah woah, what's going on?" You asked.
Itachi stepped forward.
"Kisame and I went to spy on the Hidden Leaf Village."
"And...?" You asked leaning foward.
"They don't seem to be looking for you. So it seems you're safe." He added.
"Oh thank God." You said sounding relieved. "Well I need to get a move on with this mission, later guys!"
You got a couple of 'laters' and 'bye's' and a 'good luck' from Konan. You walked outside and threw on your Akatsuki robe. You liked how you looked in it.
Just read and you'll figure out what's going on(:
The coolness of the room hit your entire body and sent a chill down your spine. You were just about to get dressed till someone stepped into the room. Your whole body went red.
"Oh, wow, I'm sorry, I thought you were done." Pein said blushing heavily and looking down.
"I am, I just need to get dressed, so if you could just...turn around for a moment, ha." You replied with a small chuckle.
"Oh yes right."
Pein turned around and faced the door. You quickly got dressed and let him know it was safe to turn around. Pein did so and your eyes locked. Neither one of you planned to look away.
"Sorry...I...took so...long." You finally were able to spit out still gazing into his remarkable eyes.
"It's fine, I came in here to give you your first mission. It shouldn't take you very long." Pein said breaking the stare.
"Oh okay, well what is it?" You asked taking a few steps closer to Pein.
"Just got and meet with a guy and collect the money he owe's us. I don't know what his name is, but here is a map of where to go." He said handing you the map. "Use force if you have to. We need that money."
"Okay, but if we're partners shouldn't we go together?" You asked confused.
"Usually yes, but I have to finish up with some things around here, but like I said before, this mission shouldn't be so hard." He said with a small smile which you returned.
"Okay so when would you like me to head out?" You asked.
"As soon as possible." He replied.
You nodded your head and walked past him and out of the room. You left your dirty clothes and your towel on the floor where you left them. You were pretty much positive that Pein wouldn't mind picking them up for you. You were so glad that you and Pein were okay now. You were walking doon the hallway on your way to say goodbye to the rest of the guys, and Konan of course. You guys hadn't really talked since you arrived but you had a feeling that was all about to change. You stepped into the "get together room" and heard them talking about the Hidden Leaf Village. From which you stepped in.
"Woah woah, what's going on?" You asked.
Itachi stepped forward.
"Kisame and I went to spy on the Hidden Leaf Village."
"And...?" You asked leaning foward.
"They don't seem to be looking for you. So it seems you're safe." He added.
"Oh thank God." You said sounding relieved. "Well I need to get a move on with this mission, later guys!"
You got a couple of 'laters' and 'bye's' and a 'good luck' from Konan. You walked outside and threw on your Akatsuki robe. You liked how you looked in it.
~3 Days Later~
"I'M HOME!" You screamed at the top of your lungs as you stepped back inside the base and set the suitcase that contained the money on the floor.
Itachi was walking down the hallway and stopped to look at you. He shook his head. You giggled and ran to him. You glomped him and he let out a grunt when you both hit the floor. You giggled as he rolled his eyes.
"You know Itachi, you look sexy from this angle." You said while you laid on top of him.
"Am I interrupting something?" You heard someone say. You looked up and saw Pein standing
over you two.
"PEIN!" You squealed as you hopped up off of Itachi and glomped Pein. You held onto him as tightly as you could and took in his scent you forever missed.
"Oh Pein I've missed you!" You yelled still not letting him go.
"It's only been three days." He said with a laugh.
"Uhm hello? Three days is a long time."
Pein sat up and put his hand against the wall helping himself to stand up with you still clinging onto him. You were happy he'smade no effort to pull you off. He was finally able to stand up.
"Oh well pardon me for not knowing that." He said. "Now apologize to Itachi." He added.
"Sorry Itachi." You said still holding onto Pein's waist but turning at an angle to Itachi who had helped himself up.
"Yeah." Itachi said. You saw Itachi walk off leaving you in Pein's arms.
You chuckled and looked up at Pein who had been looking down at you the whole time. Your eyes locked and you two just stared at each other. Neither one making a single sign that you wanted to look away.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
My First Romance ~Pein Love Story~ Chapter 11
Please Read.
You mumbled something as you sat up. It was still dark but you realized that you were no longer outside.
"Ugh, where am I?" You spoke while rubbing the back of your head.
"What the fuck were you thinking?" A voice said angrily.
"Pein." You said shakily."Why did you come find me?" You asked. You were still looking around the room but it was too dark to see him.
"You could have been captured." He added.
"But I wasn't." You said as you looked to the left and saw the glow of his eyes.
"By me you were." He argued.
"Oh no." You said dripping sarcasm.
"Enough!" He yelled.
You jumped at the sound of his voice.
"Sorry, but I had a lot on my mind and I needed to get away. I was gonna come back...maybe."
"Oh you had a lot on your mind like if you wanted to be with Tobi or Itachi?" He asked pissed off.
"Oh get over it Pein." You yelled. "Please tell me why you care exactly?"
"Because..." He said softly looking down at the ground. "I care about you, and don't ask me why because I don't even know the answer to that. You're my first female partner and as the man I feel as if I need to protect you in some way. I may come off as a heartless man, but I do have feelings." He said in a calm voice that didn't fit his appearance.
When your eyes finally adjusted you stood up and walked to the door. You looked back and gave Pein a warm and loving smile.
"Thank you.." You said as you opened the door and stepped out. You heard Pein let out a small sigh and you smiled. You needed to take a shower but you decided to wait till Pein left the room. You took five steps from the door and sat down in the hallway with your back against the wall, within thirty seconds Pein stepped out of the room and you looked up and to the left as he looked down and to the right. You just looked at each other until Pein walked away. You stood up and walked back into the room and got undressed. You walked bare and exposed to the bathroom, which you and Pein shared. You turned on the hot water and stepped in. You washed your whole body. From your hair all the way down to your toes. Once you were done you just stood in the shower letting the water hit your back leaving a red mark from the pressure.
I better leave some hot water for the rest of the boys, you thought as you turned off the water and stepped out of the shower.
Please Read.
You mumbled something as you sat up. It was still dark but you realized that you were no longer outside.
"Ugh, where am I?" You spoke while rubbing the back of your head.
"What the fuck were you thinking?" A voice said angrily.
"Pein." You said shakily."Why did you come find me?" You asked. You were still looking around the room but it was too dark to see him.
"You could have been captured." He added.
"But I wasn't." You said as you looked to the left and saw the glow of his eyes.
"By me you were." He argued.
"Oh no." You said dripping sarcasm.
"Enough!" He yelled.
You jumped at the sound of his voice.
"Sorry, but I had a lot on my mind and I needed to get away. I was gonna come back...maybe."
"Oh you had a lot on your mind like if you wanted to be with Tobi or Itachi?" He asked pissed off.
"Oh get over it Pein." You yelled. "Please tell me why you care exactly?"
"Because..." He said softly looking down at the ground. "I care about you, and don't ask me why because I don't even know the answer to that. You're my first female partner and as the man I feel as if I need to protect you in some way. I may come off as a heartless man, but I do have feelings." He said in a calm voice that didn't fit his appearance.
When your eyes finally adjusted you stood up and walked to the door. You looked back and gave Pein a warm and loving smile.
"Thank you.." You said as you opened the door and stepped out. You heard Pein let out a small sigh and you smiled. You needed to take a shower but you decided to wait till Pein left the room. You took five steps from the door and sat down in the hallway with your back against the wall, within thirty seconds Pein stepped out of the room and you looked up and to the left as he looked down and to the right. You just looked at each other until Pein walked away. You stood up and walked back into the room and got undressed. You walked bare and exposed to the bathroom, which you and Pein shared. You turned on the hot water and stepped in. You washed your whole body. From your hair all the way down to your toes. Once you were done you just stood in the shower letting the water hit your back leaving a red mark from the pressure.
I better leave some hot water for the rest of the boys, you thought as you turned off the water and stepped out of the shower.
My First Romance ~Pein Love Story~ Chapter 10
You walked down the long dark and damp hallway, nervous as hell. You walk past the room where you and Itachi had the most awkward moment of your life. Itachi was still sitting in there, with the T.V. on. He looked like he was lost in thought. You stopped at the doorway and looked at him till he finally looked up from the television.
"I'm going to bed. Night." You said softly.
Itachi just stared at you.
"Look Itachi, I don't know if you just dont like new members, or just hate everyone, or your just in a bad mood, hell even if it's all three I want you to understand that if you need to talk to someone I'm here. I may not be the closest person to you, but I do care about you. I know about your past and I know that you've been through a lot. So please don't be afraid to show emotion." You said looking him straight in the eye.
"Goodnight." He replied back.
You sighed and walked off.
I can never help anybody. You thought to yourself. You walked aimlessly around for a little while, just to get your mind clear. You left the damp chilling area they lived in and stepped outside. You looked around letting the cool fall breeze hit your face. You saw a lake off in the distance and decided to go and relax by it on the shore. It was rocky with a little bit of mud and sand mixed together. You took a seat on a flat rock and relaxed. You set your feet on the muddy ground and wiggled your toes. The lake was a crystal blue color. But it was late so it mostly looked black since the sun was starting to set leaving the reflection of the tree's in the water behind. The lake was so big it looked like an ocean to you. The small waves that rolled in covered your feet and you shivered at how cold the water was. You watched the sun fully disappear behind the distant mountains.
"I've only been away fromt The Hidden Leaf Village for about 8 or so hours and I finally feel free." You said out loud hoping no one was listening.
The Leaf Village wasn't that bad but everyone always wanted you to do everything right. It started to take its toll on you.
I know, no, I hope no one misses me, I don't want to be hunted down like an animal. I just wanna be free, so I guess joining the Akatsuki was the best way. You thought. You smiled and sighed. You sat alone for a while and just listened to the sounds of the animals. You stared at the moon and realized just how pretty is was. You could hear fish jumping out of the water in the distance but you couldn't pin-point where they were, even though you didn't really care.
"It's beautiful huh?" You heard a voice say from behind you.
"Well well Hidan, I didn't know you had a soft side." You joked.
"Yeah yeah." He replied back. 'I'm usually not the type but ever since I joined the Akatsuki, this is my favorite plaxe to relax and get away from it all." Hidan said taking a seat next to you.
"C'mon Hidan." You said. "You practice Jashin, you don't like relaxing or beautiful lakes." You said laughing.
"True." He admitted. "But I came out here to warn you." He also admitted.
"Warn me about what?" You asked getting serious.
"Well we ALL heard that you kissed Tobi." Hidan said smiling.
"What?" You said nervously. "I did no such thing." You added.
"Oh hush." He said. "Tobi told us." He added.
"Him and his big mouth." You mumbled underneath your breath.
"Even Pein knows. He's pissed." Hidan said slowly.
You stood up, having enough.
"That's it!" You yelled. "He yells at me, gives me death glares, and hates if you come within five feet of him!" You said, your voice getting angrier and louder. "For the last time, he doesn't like me! I don't see why everyone is acting like he does! And telling me that he does! I mean fuck, he doesn't own me!!!! I can do whatever the hell I wanna do! If I wanted to I would go with Itachi. He many not show a lot of emotion but that makes for less yelling!"
"Well then maybe youo should try showing no emotion." Hidan said slowly scooting over.
"I'm sorry Hidan." You said softly.
"Haha! It's okay. But you really neet to get everything worked out with Pein." He added.
"Yeah I know."
With that Hidan got up aad left. You sat back down and thought long and hard about what you were going to do. You stood up and started walking not really sure of where you were going to go.
Forget Pein and the damn king size bed. You thought to yourself. I wonder how many women he's had in that bed. This thought made you angry and you stormed off int he opposite direction of the Akatsuki base. You didn't want to stay there tonight. You weren't even sure you wanted to stay there at all. You were mad that it was love at first sight. You never believed in that junk. You're mad that you were so willing to give up your innocence to a man you just met.
"I WANT OUT!" You scream at the top of your lungs.
~Pein's P.O.V~
I hear Saffron scream something from outside. I walk outssde and look all around and don't see her.
"Fuck." I said angrily.
You kept walking further and further from the base, not knowing if you were gonna come back. But you did know that you needed to cool off. You walked till it felt like you were about to collapse. You sat down, not knowing how far away from the base you were and not caring. You passed out underneath a tree, the last thing you remembered was the sound of wolves howling in the distance.
You walked down the long dark and damp hallway, nervous as hell. You walk past the room where you and Itachi had the most awkward moment of your life. Itachi was still sitting in there, with the T.V. on. He looked like he was lost in thought. You stopped at the doorway and looked at him till he finally looked up from the television.
"I'm going to bed. Night." You said softly.
Itachi just stared at you.
"Look Itachi, I don't know if you just dont like new members, or just hate everyone, or your just in a bad mood, hell even if it's all three I want you to understand that if you need to talk to someone I'm here. I may not be the closest person to you, but I do care about you. I know about your past and I know that you've been through a lot. So please don't be afraid to show emotion." You said looking him straight in the eye.
"Goodnight." He replied back.
You sighed and walked off.
I can never help anybody. You thought to yourself. You walked aimlessly around for a little while, just to get your mind clear. You left the damp chilling area they lived in and stepped outside. You looked around letting the cool fall breeze hit your face. You saw a lake off in the distance and decided to go and relax by it on the shore. It was rocky with a little bit of mud and sand mixed together. You took a seat on a flat rock and relaxed. You set your feet on the muddy ground and wiggled your toes. The lake was a crystal blue color. But it was late so it mostly looked black since the sun was starting to set leaving the reflection of the tree's in the water behind. The lake was so big it looked like an ocean to you. The small waves that rolled in covered your feet and you shivered at how cold the water was. You watched the sun fully disappear behind the distant mountains.
"I've only been away fromt The Hidden Leaf Village for about 8 or so hours and I finally feel free." You said out loud hoping no one was listening.
The Leaf Village wasn't that bad but everyone always wanted you to do everything right. It started to take its toll on you.
I know, no, I hope no one misses me, I don't want to be hunted down like an animal. I just wanna be free, so I guess joining the Akatsuki was the best way. You thought. You smiled and sighed. You sat alone for a while and just listened to the sounds of the animals. You stared at the moon and realized just how pretty is was. You could hear fish jumping out of the water in the distance but you couldn't pin-point where they were, even though you didn't really care.
"It's beautiful huh?" You heard a voice say from behind you.
"Well well Hidan, I didn't know you had a soft side." You joked.
"Yeah yeah." He replied back. 'I'm usually not the type but ever since I joined the Akatsuki, this is my favorite plaxe to relax and get away from it all." Hidan said taking a seat next to you.
"C'mon Hidan." You said. "You practice Jashin, you don't like relaxing or beautiful lakes." You said laughing.
"True." He admitted. "But I came out here to warn you." He also admitted.
"Warn me about what?" You asked getting serious.
"Well we ALL heard that you kissed Tobi." Hidan said smiling.
"What?" You said nervously. "I did no such thing." You added.
"Oh hush." He said. "Tobi told us." He added.
"Him and his big mouth." You mumbled underneath your breath.
"Even Pein knows. He's pissed." Hidan said slowly.
You stood up, having enough.
"That's it!" You yelled. "He yells at me, gives me death glares, and hates if you come within five feet of him!" You said, your voice getting angrier and louder. "For the last time, he doesn't like me! I don't see why everyone is acting like he does! And telling me that he does! I mean fuck, he doesn't own me!!!! I can do whatever the hell I wanna do! If I wanted to I would go with Itachi. He many not show a lot of emotion but that makes for less yelling!"
"Well then maybe youo should try showing no emotion." Hidan said slowly scooting over.
"I'm sorry Hidan." You said softly.
"Haha! It's okay. But you really neet to get everything worked out with Pein." He added.
"Yeah I know."
With that Hidan got up aad left. You sat back down and thought long and hard about what you were going to do. You stood up and started walking not really sure of where you were going to go.
Forget Pein and the damn king size bed. You thought to yourself. I wonder how many women he's had in that bed. This thought made you angry and you stormed off int he opposite direction of the Akatsuki base. You didn't want to stay there tonight. You weren't even sure you wanted to stay there at all. You were mad that it was love at first sight. You never believed in that junk. You're mad that you were so willing to give up your innocence to a man you just met.
"I WANT OUT!" You scream at the top of your lungs.
~Pein's P.O.V~
I hear Saffron scream something from outside. I walk outssde and look all around and don't see her.
"Fuck." I said angrily.
You kept walking further and further from the base, not knowing if you were gonna come back. But you did know that you needed to cool off. You walked till it felt like you were about to collapse. You sat down, not knowing how far away from the base you were and not caring. You passed out underneath a tree, the last thing you remembered was the sound of wolves howling in the distance.
Friday, September 11, 2009
My First Romance ~Pein Love Story~ Chapter 9
Okay so this is another short chapter. I didn't have much time to write it. But still the feedback and comments are good(:
You started humming a song while you were on your way to Tobi's room. You were skipping and swinging your arms up and down. You skipped past everyone else who were standing around in another big room. Everyone stopped and stared at you as you skipped by humming. Konan let out a small giggle while the boys shook their heads.
"She reminds me too much of Tobi." Hidan said.
As you skipped past them you wondered why Itachi was so excluded from everyone else. You blew it off and kept skipping. You finally reached Tobi's room. You knocked on the door.
"What's the password??" Tobi asked.
Password? You thought.
"I'll kiss you!" You replied.
As soon as you said that you noticed Pein to your right. You blushed in nervousness. He had his eyebrow raised at your last comment. You giggled.
"You jealous?" You asked as you watched his exression drop. He glared at you.
"WHAT?!?!?" You hear Tobi yell. "I couldn't hear you!"
"I said I'll kiss you." You looked at Pein and put your finger to your lips and made the hush noise. His eyebrow found its way back up.
Tobi cracked the door.
"Really?" He asked excitedly.
"Haha nahhh!" You yelled as you kicked the door open and stepped in.
"No Fair!" Tobi yells. "This is why I don't let people in my room, they're mean to me." He said sadly.
"Awh Tobi, you know I love you." You replied as you started to close the door. You heard Pein let out a small chuckle as he walked away. You smiled and closed the door.
"Awh that was mean." Tobi said.
You walked up to Tobi and reached for his orange mask. You gently moved the mask to the side only enough to see his lips. You put your lips evenly with his.
"No it wasn't." You whispered softly brushing lips with him.
You gently press your lips onto his then pulled away. You put his mask back in place and backed away and winked.
"Oh! Tobi is a good boy." He yelled. "But Leader-sama is gonna get mad!" He added.
"What do you mean? He doesn't care about me." You answered.
"That's not true!" Tobi started. "It's very obvious he likes you."
"Before Sasori came to get you Leader-sama made it very clear that you were his, not ours. Or mine no matter how bad I want you."
"Awh Tobi!!" You yelled. You gave him a big and long hug.
"I'm so sorry Tobi, I didn't know that. But I just want to let you know that I only kissed you because I told you I would, and I tend to do as I say, and what I'm told."
"Yes Tobi knows, and Tobi understands!" He replied.
"Okay good." You said back smiling.
Before you knew it you and Tobi were lost in conversation, playing games, dancing, singing, and laughing. Time flew by.
"Well Tobi, I think I'm gonna hit the hay." You said.
"Okay, same here!" He replied.
You gave Tobi a hug and left his room. You walked down the hall thinking about if what Tobi said was true. You were nervous since it was your first night with Pein, alone, and in the same king size bed.
Tobi ->
Okay so this is another short chapter. I didn't have much time to write it. But still the feedback and comments are good(:
You started humming a song while you were on your way to Tobi's room. You were skipping and swinging your arms up and down. You skipped past everyone else who were standing around in another big room. Everyone stopped and stared at you as you skipped by humming. Konan let out a small giggle while the boys shook their heads.
"She reminds me too much of Tobi." Hidan said.
As you skipped past them you wondered why Itachi was so excluded from everyone else. You blew it off and kept skipping. You finally reached Tobi's room. You knocked on the door.
"What's the password??" Tobi asked.
Password? You thought.
"I'll kiss you!" You replied.
As soon as you said that you noticed Pein to your right. You blushed in nervousness. He had his eyebrow raised at your last comment. You giggled.
"You jealous?" You asked as you watched his exression drop. He glared at you.
"WHAT?!?!?" You hear Tobi yell. "I couldn't hear you!"
"I said I'll kiss you." You looked at Pein and put your finger to your lips and made the hush noise. His eyebrow found its way back up.
Tobi cracked the door.
"Really?" He asked excitedly.
"Haha nahhh!" You yelled as you kicked the door open and stepped in.
"No Fair!" Tobi yells. "This is why I don't let people in my room, they're mean to me." He said sadly.
"Awh Tobi, you know I love you." You replied as you started to close the door. You heard Pein let out a small chuckle as he walked away. You smiled and closed the door.
"Awh that was mean." Tobi said.
You walked up to Tobi and reached for his orange mask. You gently moved the mask to the side only enough to see his lips. You put your lips evenly with his.
"No it wasn't." You whispered softly brushing lips with him.
You gently press your lips onto his then pulled away. You put his mask back in place and backed away and winked.
"Oh! Tobi is a good boy." He yelled. "But Leader-sama is gonna get mad!" He added.
"What do you mean? He doesn't care about me." You answered.
"That's not true!" Tobi started. "It's very obvious he likes you."
"Before Sasori came to get you Leader-sama made it very clear that you were his, not ours. Or mine no matter how bad I want you."
"Awh Tobi!!" You yelled. You gave him a big and long hug.
"I'm so sorry Tobi, I didn't know that. But I just want to let you know that I only kissed you because I told you I would, and I tend to do as I say, and what I'm told."
"Yes Tobi knows, and Tobi understands!" He replied.
"Okay good." You said back smiling.
Before you knew it you and Tobi were lost in conversation, playing games, dancing, singing, and laughing. Time flew by.
"Well Tobi, I think I'm gonna hit the hay." You said.
"Okay, same here!" He replied.
You gave Tobi a hug and left his room. You walked down the hall thinking about if what Tobi said was true. You were nervous since it was your first night with Pein, alone, and in the same king size bed.
Tobi ->

Thursday, September 10, 2009
My First Romance ~Pein Love Story~ Chapter 8
Okay so I know this chapter isn't the greatest, but I didn't have much time to write it, so please cut me a little slack, and I've been trying to get this up for a while but its been hard with school and all.
"I mean I really lo-"
You were cut off by Hidan storming into the room cursing about how Kakuzu won't stop making fun of his religious beliefs.
"Excuse me Hidan, I was talking here!" You yelled clearly pissed.
"Yeah yeah, talk to your lover boy later." Hidan yelled back.
Pein rubbed the bridge of his nose. You blushed lightly and looked away.
"Now can I please switch rooms, I don't want to be stuck with-"
You cut Hidan off.
"He's not my lover boy!" You said.
"Wow, a little late their." Hidan said sarcastically. "Did you have to think about it?"
"No I didn't have to think about it" You shouted.
Hidan ignored you and continued screaming at the infamous Pein. You decided just to let it be and you turned on your heel and walked out. Pein watched you walk out and signed. He gave Hidan a dirty look. Hidan didn't have time to notice, he was to busy yapping.
This is never going to work. You thought walking down the hallway with your head down. I bet I was just tricking myself to believe I actually had feelings for him, to hide the lust. I'm so physically attracted to him, it's indescribable.
"You know, I'm sure Konan felt the same way about me." You heard from behind you. You turned around to see Sasori standing there.
I didn't just say that outloud you said moving your eyes from left to right.
"But she really does love me."
You just stared at him.
"You know how I know?" He asked. "She told me."
You look down at the ground thinking about how your attempt to tell Pein had failed miserably.
"Don't worry beautiful, everything will work out." Sasori said then turned and walked away.
You stood there thinking about everything.
How can I "love" him? We jusst met. You thought to yourself. This sucks. You see Hidan walk out of Peins office frustrated, obviously not getting his way. You almost went back in their to give it another try, but decided just to let it be. You walk to the big room where Deidara introduced you to the rest of the gang. You see Itachi sitting in there by himself. You're standing in the doorwayy and he looks up at you with his sharingan. You cover your eyes.
"No! Don't use genjutsu on me!" You scream not knowing that just because he's using the sharingan doesn't mean he's using genjutsu.
You don't hear him reply, you peek through your fingers and see him still staring at you with a blank expression.
"Well...that's embarrissing." You said and lowered your hands from your face.
You see Itachi look away. You knew what he was thinking.
"Well how was I supposed to know you weren't using genjutsu?" You asked while you walked and took a seat next to him on the couch.
He just keeps staring at the T.V, obviously not interested in what's on. He looks down next to him and he see's how close you are to him. He looks up at you and gave you a black stare. You looked down and realized as well and apologized as you scooted over to give him his personal space. He still didn't say a thing.
"Wow, you sure don't talk a lot do you?" You asked looking at him.
"I do talk, just not as much as you do." He finally said.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't know I talked that muc. I'll try not to." You said sounding sad.
Itachi looked at you then looked away.
"Sooo....." You dragged out making it obvious that you wanted to talk no matter what it was about.
"How's the weather?" You asked.
Itachi gave you a weird look.
"Step outside and find out." He answered.
"So let's not talk about the weather." You said quickly. "Whatcha watchin'?"
"Television." He replied.
"Ahhh! I see." You said. "This is way to awkward for me."
Itachi just looked at you then looked back at the T.V.
"I'm gonna go talk to Tobi." You finally said getting up off of the couch. "Bye Itachi!" You said and bent down to give him a hug. When you released he was obviously shocked. You just giggled.
You stepped out into the room and out into the hallway, on your way to Tobi's room.
Itachi -->
Okay so I know this chapter isn't the greatest, but I didn't have much time to write it, so please cut me a little slack, and I've been trying to get this up for a while but its been hard with school and all.
"I mean I really lo-"
You were cut off by Hidan storming into the room cursing about how Kakuzu won't stop making fun of his religious beliefs.
"Excuse me Hidan, I was talking here!" You yelled clearly pissed.
"Yeah yeah, talk to your lover boy later." Hidan yelled back.
Pein rubbed the bridge of his nose. You blushed lightly and looked away.
"Now can I please switch rooms, I don't want to be stuck with-"
You cut Hidan off.
"He's not my lover boy!" You said.
"Wow, a little late their." Hidan said sarcastically. "Did you have to think about it?"
"No I didn't have to think about it" You shouted.
Hidan ignored you and continued screaming at the infamous Pein. You decided just to let it be and you turned on your heel and walked out. Pein watched you walk out and signed. He gave Hidan a dirty look. Hidan didn't have time to notice, he was to busy yapping.
This is never going to work. You thought walking down the hallway with your head down. I bet I was just tricking myself to believe I actually had feelings for him, to hide the lust. I'm so physically attracted to him, it's indescribable.
"You know, I'm sure Konan felt the same way about me." You heard from behind you. You turned around to see Sasori standing there.
I didn't just say that outloud you said moving your eyes from left to right.
"But she really does love me."
You just stared at him.
"You know how I know?" He asked. "She told me."
You look down at the ground thinking about how your attempt to tell Pein had failed miserably.
"Don't worry beautiful, everything will work out." Sasori said then turned and walked away.
You stood there thinking about everything.
How can I "love" him? We jusst met. You thought to yourself. This sucks. You see Hidan walk out of Peins office frustrated, obviously not getting his way. You almost went back in their to give it another try, but decided just to let it be. You walk to the big room where Deidara introduced you to the rest of the gang. You see Itachi sitting in there by himself. You're standing in the doorwayy and he looks up at you with his sharingan. You cover your eyes.
"No! Don't use genjutsu on me!" You scream not knowing that just because he's using the sharingan doesn't mean he's using genjutsu.
You don't hear him reply, you peek through your fingers and see him still staring at you with a blank expression.
"Well...that's embarrissing." You said and lowered your hands from your face.
You see Itachi look away. You knew what he was thinking.
"Well how was I supposed to know you weren't using genjutsu?" You asked while you walked and took a seat next to him on the couch.
He just keeps staring at the T.V, obviously not interested in what's on. He looks down next to him and he see's how close you are to him. He looks up at you and gave you a black stare. You looked down and realized as well and apologized as you scooted over to give him his personal space. He still didn't say a thing.
"Wow, you sure don't talk a lot do you?" You asked looking at him.
"I do talk, just not as much as you do." He finally said.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't know I talked that muc. I'll try not to." You said sounding sad.
Itachi looked at you then looked away.
"Sooo....." You dragged out making it obvious that you wanted to talk no matter what it was about.
"How's the weather?" You asked.
Itachi gave you a weird look.
"Step outside and find out." He answered.
"So let's not talk about the weather." You said quickly. "Whatcha watchin'?"
"Television." He replied.
"Ahhh! I see." You said. "This is way to awkward for me."
Itachi just looked at you then looked back at the T.V.
"I'm gonna go talk to Tobi." You finally said getting up off of the couch. "Bye Itachi!" You said and bent down to give him a hug. When you released he was obviously shocked. You just giggled.
You stepped out into the room and out into the hallway, on your way to Tobi's room.
Itachi -->

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