Okay so I know this chapter isn't the greatest, but I didn't have much time to write it, so please cut me a little slack, and I've been trying to get this up for a while but its been hard with school and all.
"I mean I really lo-"
You were cut off by Hidan storming into the room cursing about how Kakuzu won't stop making fun of his religious beliefs.
"Excuse me Hidan, I was talking here!" You yelled clearly pissed.
"Yeah yeah, talk to your lover boy later." Hidan yelled back.
Pein rubbed the bridge of his nose. You blushed lightly and looked away.
"Now can I please switch rooms, I don't want to be stuck with-"
You cut Hidan off.
"He's not my lover boy!" You said.
"Wow, a little late their." Hidan said sarcastically. "Did you have to think about it?"
"No I didn't have to think about it" You shouted.
Hidan ignored you and continued screaming at the infamous Pein. You decided just to let it be and you turned on your heel and walked out. Pein watched you walk out and signed. He gave Hidan a dirty look. Hidan didn't have time to notice, he was to busy yapping.
This is never going to work. You thought walking down the hallway with your head down. I bet I was just tricking myself to believe I actually had feelings for him, to hide the lust. I'm so physically attracted to him, it's indescribable.
"You know, I'm sure Konan felt the same way about me." You heard from behind you. You turned around to see Sasori standing there.
I didn't just say that outloud you said moving your eyes from left to right.
"But she really does love me."
You just stared at him.
"You know how I know?" He asked. "She told me."
You look down at the ground thinking about how your attempt to tell Pein had failed miserably.
"Don't worry beautiful, everything will work out." Sasori said then turned and walked away.
You stood there thinking about everything.
How can I "love" him? We jusst met. You thought to yourself. This sucks. You see Hidan walk out of Peins office frustrated, obviously not getting his way. You almost went back in their to give it another try, but decided just to let it be. You walk to the big room where Deidara introduced you to the rest of the gang. You see Itachi sitting in there by himself. You're standing in the doorwayy and he looks up at you with his sharingan. You cover your eyes.
"No! Don't use genjutsu on me!" You scream not knowing that just because he's using the sharingan doesn't mean he's using genjutsu.
You don't hear him reply, you peek through your fingers and see him still staring at you with a blank expression.
"Well...that's embarrissing." You said and lowered your hands from your face.
You see Itachi look away. You knew what he was thinking.
"Well how was I supposed to know you weren't using genjutsu?" You asked while you walked and took a seat next to him on the couch.
He just keeps staring at the T.V, obviously not interested in what's on. He looks down next to him and he see's how close you are to him. He looks up at you and gave you a black stare. You looked down and realized as well and apologized as you scooted over to give him his personal space. He still didn't say a thing.
"Wow, you sure don't talk a lot do you?" You asked looking at him.
"I do talk, just not as much as you do." He finally said.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't know I talked that muc. I'll try not to." You said sounding sad.
Itachi looked at you then looked away.
"Sooo....." You dragged out making it obvious that you wanted to talk no matter what it was about.
"How's the weather?" You asked.
Itachi gave you a weird look.
"Step outside and find out." He answered.
"So let's not talk about the weather." You said quickly. "Whatcha watchin'?"
"Television." He replied.
"Ahhh! I see." You said. "This is way to awkward for me."
Itachi just looked at you then looked back at the T.V.
"I'm gonna go talk to Tobi." You finally said getting up off of the couch. "Bye Itachi!" You said and bent down to give him a hug. When you released he was obviously shocked. You just giggled.
You stepped out into the room and out into the hallway, on your way to Tobi's room.
Itachi -->

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