"Hey wait up!" You yelled after him.
Pein's P.O.V
I cannot believe she did that. She's just a tease. I know I couldn't have trusted her, and I can't believe I let it get to me. I'm not going to let this stand. From now on I'm going to be strict with her, especially if she is going to be my partner.
"Look Pein I'm sorry." You said almost in a pleading tone. "I shouldn't have done that. Please don't hate me."
"Why do you care if I hate you? Hmm? We've only been partners for 3 minutes. Yet you decided to go and get undressed in front of me. Why?"
"I don't know what came over me. Please Pein."
"Haha sure, all girls pull that line when they've done something wrong. But let me tell you. If it happens one more time I'm re-arranging partners, and you'll be paired with Deidara or Itachi got it?" Pein said angrily.
"ENOUGH! I asked you a question. Let me hear your answer."
"Yes I got it." You said on the verge of tears.
Saffron's P.O.V
What have I done? Why did I do it? Does he hate me? I need to make up for this. I have a lot of work to do.
"Uhm, am I interrupting something, un?"
"No Deidara. It's done with." You answer him softly. "Deidara."
"Yes, un?"
"Can you show me around?" You asked looking down at the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with Pein.
"Yeah sure, un." He replied back.
"Thanks love." You said sweetly. For some very odd reason you found the ground very interesting.
"No problem. Lets go, un."
"Okay, I'm coming." You walked away from Pein swiftly, not bumping into him or looking at him.
"Thanks for showing me around Deidara-kun." you said softly.
"Oh you're welcome. Is everything okay, un?"
"Well it depends. How much of that did you hear?" You asked.
"All of it, un." Deidara replied.
"Oh, then no. I'm not okay. But I'll be over it soon enough."
"Oh. Okay, well I'm here if you need a friend, un." Deidara replied happily. "And I'm sure Tobi will be too, un."
"Haha yes, come. Let me introduce you to the rest of the guys, and girl."
"Awesome, another girl?!?" You asked.
"Yeah haha, Konan. You two will probably get along pretty well, un."
"Good." You replied. "Because I'm gonna need another girl if I'm going to be living with you guys."
Konan -->

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