Deidara is about to introduce you to the rest of the guys, and girl(:
You followed Deidara into a big room with a bunch of people wearing the Akatsuki uniform.
"Damn who's the babe?" You heard a guy with silver hair brushed back say. He was holding onto a long scythe.
"Excuse me?" You asked.
"Don't listen to him Saffron, that's just Hidan. He has a big mouth. Trust me, un." Deidara said.
"You got that right." You heard another guy say. You looked over and realized it was Zetsu.
"Hey! I do not! I say one f****** thing and I get b****** at for it." Hidan yelled at everyone.
"Anyway..." Deidara started. "Let me introduce you to the rest of the normal people, starting over her we have Konan, un."
"Hi Konan." You said politely.
"It's nice to have another girl with us." Konan said with a smile.
"I know, I'm glad you're here."
"After Konan we have Kisame, un." Deidara stated pointing to Kisame.
Didn't he say normal people? You thought to yourself, that guy looks like a shark...fish...thing. He has gills. Oh well, better not stare.
"Nice to meet you Kisame." You said.
"Yeah yeah." He replied back not interested in what's going on.
"Oh look she didn't scream and run like everyone else does, don't you feel special Kisame?" A guy with bright green eyes and a mask covering up his whole face except for his eyes said.
"Haha that's Kakuzu, un." Deidara pointed out.
"Hi Kakuzu!" You said happily.
"Hello. Do you have any money?"
"Uhm, no?" You said confused.
"Kakuzu is kind of a money freak, un." Deidara added.
"Oh okay."
"Now on to the next, after Kakuzu that's Itachi Uchiha, un."
"Oh alright. I've heard about you. Nice to finally meet you." You said with a big smile.
Itachi just glared at you. You didn't expect him to say anything back.
"Hello." Itachi said in a monotone voice.
It looks like he really doesn't want to be here. You thought to yourself. He's really cute though. Maybe he's nicer than Pein.
"Next is Hidan, un. But you've already met him." Deidara stated.
You saw Hidan wink at you and you flicked him off. Everyone except for Itachi and Hidan laughed.
"You know Zetsu and Sasori, un." Deidara said pointing to both Sasori and Zetsu.
"And last but definitely not least, we have Tobi." Deidara said pointing to the guy sitting in the corner. He was wearing a orange mask and all you could see was his right eye. He seemed to be staring at nothing. He was also mumbling.
"Uhm is he okay?" You asked Deidara.
"Yes. That's Tobi for you. He's a very happy guy, un." Deidara replied.
Tobi was right in your face screaming at you.
"Ahhh. Why must you do that?" You asked after you calmed down. "You scared me half to death."
"Tobi is sorry. Please don't hate Tobi." Tobi said softly.
"No I don't hate you, just don't scare me." You said. "I'm Saffron nice to meet you Tobi." You said sweetly.
"Tobi thinks Saffron is very pretty. Tobi and Saffron should go play a game, come come come come with me!" Tobi yelled grabbing your arm to pull you away.
"Yeah well the pretty girl Saffron has things to do." You heard Pein say from behind you.
"Awh no fair Leader-sama! You always get the pretty girls." Tobi said with his head down.
"I don't mean it like that." Pein said rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Why does everyone always think I mean sex when I say a girl has things to do?" Pein asked.
"That's beca-" Hidan started.
"Who knows, who cares." You cut Hidan off not wanting to hear what he had to say to that.
"What work do I need to do?" You asked Pein angrily. Still mad at him for what happened 5 minutes ago.
"Watch your tone." Pein said angrily.
Everyone was just staring. You sighed heavily and walked over to Itachi and sat next to him.
"He seems niicer than you." You said pointing to Itachi and looking at Pein.
Itachi just looked at you.
"Haha then obviously you don't know Itachi very well." You heard Hidan say.
"I don't care." You said bluntly still looking at Pein.
You saw Pein roll his eyes.
"Come with me." Pein ordered.
"Whats the magic word?" You said sarcastically knowing it would piss him off.
"Now." Pein answered.
"Fine!" You yelled angrily.
You and Pein walked out of the room, you felt everyone staring at you.
"I can't believe she has the courage to talk to Leader-sama like that." Konan said. "I like her." She added.
"Yeah whatever." Hidan said. "Well I don't like her."
"No one cares about your opinions Hidan." Konan replied.
You and Pein walk down the long hallways once more.
"Where are we going?" You asked with a calm voice.
"To my office." He answered.
"Ohhhh, you hoping for another strip?" You asked teasingly.
He turned around and glared at you. You just giggled.
"I was kidding. I got your message earlier." You said. "If it happens one more time I'm re-arranging partners, and you'll be paired with Deidara or Itachi got it?" You said quoting Pein from before.
"Good." He said bluntly. "Now lets go."
You and Pein started down the hall again.
Hidan -->

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